The world of medical billing services can be a complicated and scary place. This is why we at Healthcare Partners has come up with some helpful do’s and don’ts to help you navigate through the maze of medical billing.

DO pre-screening and eligibility verification and DON’T get caught with claim denials, re-submittals or unpaid patient balances
This is an important point which needs to be done even before your client leaves their home for the appointment. Know what is covered by their insurance and what is not so that you won’t get stuck with a patient and an insurance company that won’t pay the bill. Out-sourcing your medical billing services is a great way to ensure that all insurance verification is handled in a prompt and professional manner and that nothing is left to chance.

DON’T underestimate the necessity of a practiced check-in policy
A clear policy that is put into practice every time a client checks-in means that there is a smaller chance of running into medical billing issues down the line. Make sure that your client understands your payment policies and that all their information (personal and insurance) is correctly and fully filled-out before anything else. Even if they are regular clients, it is a good idea to get them to look over and confirm that their details are still the same each time they visit your practice.

DO double-check all medical billing
The easiest way to avoid claim errors (and yes, this is possible) is to double- and sometimes even triple- check all your claims before submitting them. Human error is unavoidable but most of the time you can catch it before it does any harm by simply going over it again (or getting fresh eyes to scrutinize it for you). Another way of checking it without human error coming into play yet again is to have a good clearing house that will alert you to all the possible thousands of instances where the most common errors occur.

DON’T stress over claim denials and appeals
If you have followed our first few do’s and don’ts then you will have severely decreased your chance of receiving a claim denial. However, sometimes claim denials still occur despite a practically perfect medical billing process. The best way to approach claim denials and appeals is to hire medical billing services that can spend the time on sorting out the issue and getting your claim approved. Just remember that appeals have to be dealt with in a timely manner or else you won’t get anywhere.

DO hire experienced professionals
The best thing you can do for your business is to ensure that all accounts are handled by experienced professionals – this is never truer than in the medical world. Medical billing and coding is a complex process that needs to be done by someone who knows what they are doing. Hiring medical billing services will save you time and money in the long run as well as take the weight of this job off your shoulders.

If you have any more questions about medical billing or our services, give Healthcare Partners a call today! We will ensure that all your medical billing needs are taken care of so that you can focus on taking care of your clients.